
During opening hours, please call the practice on 01224 716848

Outside opening hours, please call the Vets Now hospital on 01224 379091

Vets Now at Kingswells

Outwith opening hours you will be directed to phone the Vets Now Hospital at Kingswells on 01224 379091. They will give you telephone advice and advise whether you should attend the clinic at Kingswells.

Vets Now are a specialist out of hours care provider who are only open while the daytime practices are shut. The Aberdeen branch is located at:

Ardene House Hospital,

Skene Road,


AB15 8PJ.

Although Vets Now share premises with Ardene House, they are a completely separate business with over 55 emergency centres that cover out of hours work for over 1000 practices nationally.

If your pet is hospitalised overnight at the Vets Now premises they will normally be discharged between 7am and 8am for the owner to transport back to Aurora and we will then take over care again.


During opening hours, phone calls will come directly through to the practice and will be answered normally.

For cases that can wait until the next day, if you phone us shortly after opening time, we will always be able to see you on the same day at the Aurora practice.